
Contact us if you have any questions!

Katarzyna Skrzydłowska-Kalukin

Content coordinator at Let Law Rule. Journalist at „Kultura Liberalna” ("Liberal Culture") weekly.

Jakub Bodziony

Journalist at „Kultura Liberalna” ("Liberal Culture") weekly, host of a video-podcast about foreign policy „Bodziony w piątek” ("Bodziony in Friday"). Responsible for the promotion of the Let Law Rule project.

Piotr Kieżun

Editor at „Kultura Liberalna” ("Liberal Culture") weekly, head of the book review section. Member of the board of Kultura Liberalna Foundation. Responsible for the technical coordination of the project.

Tomasz Sawczuk

Head of the political section at Kultura Liberalna weekly ("Liberal Culture"), a doctor of philosophy and a lawyer. Responsible for editorial consultations.

Ewa Nosarzewska

Editor of Kultura Liberalna ("Liberal Culture") weekly. Responsible for proofreading.

Karolina Wigura

Board member of the Kultura Liberalna Foundation, initiator of the Let Law Rule project.

Jarosław Kuisz

Editor-in-Chief of Kultura Liberalna ("Liberal Culture") weekly.